As the dominant man, I lead and she follows – by choice not force. She could leave anytime but psychological chains of gold chain her. I get my way because in submitting and following she gets exactly what she really wants – me. The rest is rationalization.

Which leads us to mild physical domination within sex. By the time we get to this point, any resistance is mostly play. If she ever violently resisted me without betraying any of the tell-tale signs of pleasure I would back off instantly.

In part we lack a word to describe the physical taking of a woman seemingly against her will but in agreement with her desire and her consent. It's an act of love that is intense, and brings into reality as close as one can get the rape fantasy. Ravishment is the closest word because of its connotations of rapture, delight and ecstasy and it was this broad meaning I use in the original post. Many women enjoy this sexual interplay, and it’s a totally consensual thing.

It is unfortunate that the word “ravishment” is also a synonym for rape, a brutal power act, criminal in nature deserving of jail time.

by FDM on 2006 Jan 18 - 11:00 | reply to this comment Both Feel Invigorated and She Does Not Run Away Although not a legal definition, on some level both *want* the experience.

by a Taken In Hand reader on 2006 Jan 18 - 14:06 | reply to this comment FDM has started a long and at FDM has started a long and attracting post. I for one appreciate the depth of answer; yet I can't help thinking that there is so much psychology reference, what about just running with love?

by a Taken In Hand reader on 2006 Jan 19 - 00:51 | reply to this comment Yummy!

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