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SEOs know the impact a few natural links from quality and relevant websites can have. It no longer takes hundreds or thousands of links to rank. The commodity of a single link has vastly increased, giving quality websites even more power within their respective industries.

The available size of a desktop 3D printer is usually 200 x 200 x 200 mm, while for industrial 3D printers it can be as large as 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm. If a desktop machine is preferred (for example to reduce costs), a large model can be divided into smaller parts and then assembled.

The typical layer height used in FDM varies between 50 and 400 microns and can be determined when placing an order. A lower layer height produces smoother parts and more accurately captures curved geometries, while a higher height produces parts faster and at a lower cost. A layer height of 200 microns is most commonly used.

Warping is one of the most common defects of FDM. When the extruded material cools during solidification, its dimensions decrease. As different sections of the print cool at different speeds, their size changes at different speeds. Differential cooling causes the accumulation of internal stresses that pull the underlying layer upwards, causing it to deform, as seen in the figure below. From the point of view of technology, the deformation can be prevented by a closer monitoring of the temperature of the FDM system and by increasing the adhesion between the part and the construction bed.

In order to secure a link, you need to demonstrate value in a persuasive manner.

Designer options can also reduce the likelihood of warping:

Large flat areas (think of a rectangular box) are more prone to deformation and should be avoided when possible. Thin thin parts of a part are also prone to deformation. In this case, deformation can be avoided by adding sacrificial materials to the edge of the thinner part (for example, a 200 micron thick rectangle) to increase the area that reaches the construction platform. Sharp corners deform more often than rounded shapes, so adding fillets to your design is a good practice. Different materials are more sensitive to deformation: ABS is generally more sensitive to deformation compared to PLA or PETG, due to its higher glass transition temperature and relatively high coefficient of thermal expansion.

Links are important to humans, marketers, and internet usability. Google search is also reliant upon links, both for ranking and crawling.

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Last-modified: 2022-04-26 (火) 22:41:53 (736d)