I think that when people feel free to be themselves, they are more likely to develop or retain a fun, exuberant attitude to life that minimises bad feeling and conflicts. MB has always encouraged who and what I am. In return I have supported him and his interests. Because of that mutual respect we continue to grow together in a marriage characterised by uncommonly enduring romance and fun. When someone watches over you with the love and concern MB has demonstrated unfailingly for me, it's not hard to trust that their decisions be in your best interests. I wouldn't empower just any man with the type of submission I give to my husband. But he knows my strength and he knows my Achilles' heel. He manages them both beautifully. And, in doing so, he has become a much stronger and more confident man himself.


by Mad4Him on 2004 Jul 16 - 07:35 | reply to this comment Dominating The Dominant Woman I like the idea you present here. I've always known I don't want a submissive woman - shades of 'floorwipe'/doormat' - not an attractive proposition. But you won't find me bowing down to any skirt either. ;-) So I guess you're right that it makes sense to do away with "D/s" and take up "DD". HOWEVER - when the chips are down, the woman has to know who's boss, ie me. ;-)


by Colin Thompson on 2004 Jul 16 - 16:56 | reply to this comment Stealth femininity?

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