My point was that everyone gets a pass or two in this marketplace, due to upbringing, culture, social norms, feminism, [insert blame game of the week], but if you are stupid enough as a male to publish an article like that, and to keep banging your head against the wall rather than try to understand why your tactics aren’t working, then you pretty much have no chance.

With anything in life, not just women, intelligent people don’t keep doing the same wrong thing over and over and over again, non-stop, and then complain that it doesn’t work. They may try a couple times, understand their way isn’t working, and then try a different route. “David”, with all his ability to get into Yale, doesn’t quite comprehend this yet.

62Anacaona April 15, 2013 at 7:15 pm No fair!!!!! Some of us know how to put on makeup properly! If you don’t look like a whore, you are doing it wrong! :p

63JP April 15, 2013 at 7:19 pm “With anything in life, not just women, intelligent people don’t keep doing the same wrong thing over and over and over again, non-stop, and then complain that it doesn’t work. They may try a couple times, understand their way isn’t working, and then try a different route. “David”, with all his ability to get into Yale, doesn’t quite comprehend this yet.”

David may not yet understand that his way doesn’t always work.

Why would he think that he could be wrong about something so fundamental when he literally had stunning success thus far in life and achieved Yaleness?

And it’s not a marketplace. That’s the joke here. It’s not a marketplace at all because people aren’t really commodities.

64Richard Aubrey April 15, 2013 at 7:49 pm Our young man isn’t just jonesing for a hot woman to love him. No matter how handsome, well-liked, adjusted he is, or how much disposable income he can lay hands on, he does not think of himself as being in the intensely desired in-group. It’s not entirely clear what that may be, but it must exist because certain people who look as if they may be are on obviously good terms with others who look as if they are. And he isn’t. It’s like a step up in the world, to be desired. And those hot girls are the in-groups best advertising.

Suggest not chasing girls. Suggest being in organizations where men and women are exposed–figuratively speaking–to each other frequently and over time. Field projects. Civil organizations. Met some hot women in those endeavors and there was always a reason to talk, always a reason to offer a ride home, be the guy who escorts the women into town–dicey area–so they can buy the you-knows, and not hang over their shoulder as they do. Somebody has to put up the whatchamacallit which is pretty heavy and desqualidge the framistan. Be that guy. Better impression than projectile vomiting some pink alcoholic concoction. Or maybe that’s just me.

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