What. The. Fuck? I'm not even going to dignify this with a proper response.

Yes, I am learning, hehe.


While talking to her on the phone last night, she kept messing with me by saying shit like I'm so mean and why am I being different (I really wasn't) and she would say that I'm so cute. She would say bye, and I'd be like bye, and then we'd stay on the phone and finally when we were going to go she said she just turned her computer off so I could I give her the number to a pizza place. I messed with her by asking all the details about it then lying and saying well I could find out the phone number to the pizza place on whatever street with some zipcode if I hadn't turned my computer off. I did look it up though and I told her the number, but she didn't believe me. I told her like eight times messing with her and then told her some detail about it she didn't tell me and then she knew I wasn't kidding. I would tell her the number another five times really fast so she couldn't hear and she finally gave up and said bye and I figured fuck it anyways so we hung up.

All I see are a bunch of letters on my computer screen. Paragraphs. Use them.

I know I have a shot, but the thing is I'm not gonna stay the night with her because I have a really nice hotel and I'm not sure my mom would let me anyways.

So of course, your thoughts, input, and suggestions are appreciated.


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